Long train rides make you do funny stuff. Like sticking your butt out the window in anticipation of oncoming traffic and gently shocked passengers, talking about neo folk bands, comparing balancing on one foot while listening to Japanische Kampfhörspiele to not listening to anything at all or at least doing some research on the cure of terminal illnesses. Me, the bloody egomaniac I am, did nothing of the sort and began to write out of sheer boredom a list of things I need to compete with before my demise. (I was definitely backing the wrong horse in case of dying on terminal illness.)
A list of one hundred things I want to do before I die. And yeah, everyone who ever read one or two of those knows: they are pretty crappy filled with at least 20 points dealing with doing drugs, 10 points dealing with doing hawt underaged girls or boys, another 15 deal with spending all your money in every possible way (a.k.a. sex for sale with drugged underaged girls or boys).
Mine is different. Still, it’s crap but it deals with real issues. Real people. The real stuff, you know. Things you should definitely do in your life, essential stuff like pissing of roofs, pushing over sheeps and whatnot. And I strongly recommend each and everyone of you to follow suit.
So from now on everytime I do something of my list I make a post about it on this blog. (Instead of just writing the whole list down. Appears useless to me. But you're allowed to read it if you meet me somewhere.)
Starting with number 91 on my list (Oh heck.. the first post and I already sound like Jason Lee):
„Write a list with 100 things I have to do before I die.“
While having the first 40 together in a single train ride it took me for about 2 months to complete it. Big thanks to everyone and everything that I was able to draw inspirations from.
Three more things I already did coming soon.
And leave a comment if there's something on your mind. No matter what.
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